"System is too big" error

Don Fisher (dfisher@as.arizona.edu)
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 12:20:26 -0700

Sorry if this one has beed asked a hundred times, but I couldn't find
anything on it:-( I was trying to build 2.1.27 and got a message that
the kernel was "too big". I this a hard limit forced by something or is
there a way to have bigger kernels?

Boot sector 512 bytes.
Setup is 1348 bytes.
System is 518 kB
System is too big


*    Don Fisher				  dfisher@as.arizona.edu  *
*    MMT Observatory			  (520)621-7647       	  *
*    University of Arizona  					  *            
*    Tucson, AZ  85721                				  *              