Re: Linux and Mac

Gregg Martinson (
Sun, 23 Feb 1997 07:59:34 -0600

At 2:48 AM -0600 2/23/97, Seth S. Edwards wrote:
>Sorry about the previous post. I'd just been in an arguement with my
>local provider (campus server) about whether or not they should start
>running the server with windows. My friend wants to run Linux, not
>windows, on his PowerPC... What would be the minimum for this, and,
>compared to the i386 version, how stable is it?
Couple of things you should keep in mind:
1) MKlinux runs on a mach microkernel based linux. So, it is not identical
to full scall linux. The kernel is pretty stable though, I worked with
Developer Release one of mklinux this summer without any errors, even with
using it for development.
2) The mklinux project has recently become a very important focus of apple.
If you haven't been on the planet for the last six months you didn't hear
that apple bought NeXT, and is planning to move to NeXTStep as its new OS
platform(which is also a Unice). So, they need a stable architecture to
work with mach. Mklinux is this part of the puzzle. It already runs mach
on a mac, so the people at apple are working hard to develop it to be
completely stable. (Does this sound like Bill Gates's gaurantee that Win
95 is bug free?) It runs on a power mac 6100-and up, having just recently
been adapted to work with the PCI architecture. So, any Powermac will do.
Since I have no experience with PCI machines and mklinux I won't reccommend
it, however. Hope this answers your question.

"This is my trouble
Can't be an innocent bystander
In a world of Pain and Fire and Steel
Out here on the rim of the broken Wheel."
-Bruce Cockburn, "Inner City Front" -1981