RE: Linux kernel and XWindow

Meino Christian Cramer (
Fri, 21 Feb 1997 08:33:55 -0000 (???)

High Laurentiu!

The solutino may quite be simple (but I guess a little
bit, cause "something with'system'" is an error
report with say not so much about the reasons.

So this could "someho right or wrong..." ;-)

Please surf to and read
the documentation, what programs you have
to upgrade. If You want to start with a hacker
kernel, why not with the 2.1* tree???

Many things have changed since the good old days
(this days also be good, or wuite better ;-), so
even old "low levels" like will fail
on new binaries like X.

Good luck!


On 19-Feb-97 Laurentiu Toma wrote:
>I'd like a new kernel, some of the newest versions. I probably could get
>it from the web, but it's very confusing. Could anyone help? I mean to
>give me what I really need?
>I tried to compile the 1.3.20 kernel, it went on till it said, at the
>finish, something like...CURRENT > zImage...512kb...and it stopped. What
>is it?? It says it's something with "system".
>I got XWindow 3.2. via ftp, I copied all the files required, I unpacked
>them, followed all the hints they gave me, but when to start,
>it asked for some that I already had.
> E-mail:

E-Mail: Meino Christian Cramer <>
Date: 21-Feb-97
Time: 08:33:58

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