Re: Memory overcommitting (was Re:

John Wyszynski (
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 12:07:08 -0500

SUICIDE! No wonder Linux gets such a rap for being unreliable. (If this is
truely how things work. Someone please tell me this isn't so.)
As a programmer I expect that when I have sucessfully requested memory to
be allocated, that it really has happened. It now appears that on top of
everything else that writing to memory at the wrong time, I could run of
virtual memory.

> > It would seem prudent to at least track the amount of virtual memory
> > that has been committed and not allow that figure to exceed the amount
> > available (say the sum of the phys ram and swap space). In fact, I
> > thought this is what was being done.
> That's evil. The system at my desk is a very capable Linux
> system, P200, 32Mb RAM and 130Mb swap. Many are not so capable, 16Mb RAM,
> 32Mb swap. Without overcommitment, these systems wouldn't be nearly as
> useful as they are with it. If a process consuming 16Mb of virtual memory
> forks, you'd have to have 16 more megs available or fail the fork. :(

Evil? As much as blade gaurds on a chainsaw.

This scheme would seem to be even more hazardous for these machines. They
probably suffer even more "random" failures. It's even possible that a 16Mb
that forks is going to need it's own 16Mb, and will just fail at some random
in the future. I'm having a real hard time understanding how such a unreliable
ting can be "useful."

> > BSD does something similar to this (though not all that well) in that
> > all memory allocations have their swap space allocated at request time.
> > Any request for which swap space cannot be assigned is failed. This
> > is efficient speed-wise, but very inneficient in terms of resources,
> > as it does not allow for a system with less swap space than RAM to use
> > all of it's RAM.
> I'm not sure I understand either the logic or wisdom of doing
> that, but in any event, since stacks always grow dynamically, you could
> never make a Linux system guarantee that memory is available.

Every other UNIX I know of, and for that matter non-UNIX, do this in some
The BSD scheme is/was inefficent as memory sizes have grown, but it was
when few machines in the world had as much as 100 Kbytes of memory. The
of stack overflows are fairly easy to predict and most UNIX system have
in place to handle these in a reasonable manner.

> > It would seem to me to be fairly simple and inexpensive to simply keep
> > track of the current total commitment for each process, and a sum for
> > the system, and fail any allocation that pushes the system into an
> > overcommited state. This is not foolproof of course, eg if swap space
> > is removed from the system, then you could end up overcommitted, but
> > it seems to me that we would want a system that is running out of virtual
> > memory to fail gracefully, by failing allocation requests, rather than
> > having it fail in some other fashion, say by getting seg faults in
> > processes that are accessing memory that has been allocated to them.
> Oh, I disagree -- on behalf of all the people who don't have 128Mb
> of RAM and 256Mb of swap. You don't realize how high the total
> (theoretical) commitment of a typical system is.

People who own Yugo's should expect to be able to win the Dayton 500 either.
best you can hope for is that you don't get killed when the engine blows.