Re: Big mallocs, mmap sorrows and double buffering.

Andreas Schwab (
19 Feb 1997 17:12:37 +0100

Matti Aarnio <> writes:

|>> Actually, there is an msync. But the second problem is tougher, especially
|>> if later we want to support mmap for something other than disk files, that
|>> can return errors under normal conditions. Do we need structured exception
|>> handling for user code?

|> Exception handling ? Yes! In fact the DEC UNIX supports some of it
|> in their C-compiler -- via some C extensions, plus exception tables.
|> Those with access to such a machine, see:
|> man 3 exception_intro
|> man 4 excpt
|> man 4 pdsc

The GCC people are working on this as well.

Andreas Schwab                                      "And now for something              completely different"