Re: iBCS2 for 2.1.X ?

Mike Jagdis (
Mon, 17 Feb 1997 09:00:49 GMT

In article <>, Tekno Soft Snc wrote:
>on I see a pub/linux/beta/ibcs/ibcs-2.0-970212.tar.gz
>this version is only for 2.0.X or I can use it on 2.1.X ?

2.0.x (where x is current as of 12 Feb 1997). The first 2.1
compatible release will have 2.1 there not 2.0.


|  Mike Jagdis                  |  Internet:   |
|  Roan Technology Ltd.         |                                      |
|  54A Peach Street, Wokingham  |  Telephone:  +44 118 989 0403        |
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