Re: reliability

David Schwartz (
Thu, 6 Feb 1997 17:18:41 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 6 Feb 1997, Richard B. Johnson wrote:

> Linux reliability has been questioned. Here is an example of demonstrated
> reliability. I re-booted it a few days ago to replace one of the tape drives
> which has worn out and needs to be refurbished.

We have a Linux machine here -- one of our heavily-loaded name
servers handling primary/secondary DNS for over 100 domains and it's used
for name resolution by over 100 machines. Some of WIZlink's customers also
use it for backup mail handling. It also runs a large IRC hub and a web
(Apache) server that gets well over 10,000 hits a day. It was last
rebooted to upgrade to 2.0.27. It's a P133 clone with 32Mb of RAM.

knock:~$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.0.27 (davids@davids) (gcc version #1 Sat Dec 7
15:04:37 EST 1996
knock:~$ uname -a
Linux knock 2.0.27 #1 Sat Dec 7 15:04:37 EST 1996 i586
knock:~$ uptime
5:15pm up 56 days, 23:48, 1 user, load average: 0.27, 0.24, 0.18

It has exactly one problem, it gets these
"TCP: **bug**: copy=0, sk->mss=0" a couple of times a week. No other
problems have been observed.

David Schwartz