Re: ip forwarding broken in 2.1.24 ?

Pierfrancesco Caci (
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 08:37:46 +0100 (MET)' own words:
:-> >Hi, It looks like 2.1.24 is not forwarding traffic from my ethernet to the
:-> >radio port and vice versa. Has anyone else noticed this problem ? cat
:-> >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwarding yields a value of 2
:-> You have to set it to 1.

Looks like someone has changed the default startup value. Maybe I
missed the notice because of the low S/N ratio later (the NT thread :-)

Thank you and sorry for the stupid question.



--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pierfrancesco Caci | internet: | ik5pvx | | Office for the Complication Firenze - Italia | | of Otherwise Simple Affairs Linux penny 2.1.24 #2 Wed Jan 29 16:14:13 MET 1997 i586