Partially variable Password Files - is it possible ?!?

Stefan Bosnjakovic (
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 00:49:23 +-100

Hi Everybody !

Sorry if thatīs a bit off-topic from the kernel issues, but itīs a quite important question for me:

I would like to mount the root partition read-only, for security reasons - the box in question
is under heavy hacking attacks, but I need to append to and change the user-part of the password
and the shadow file via telnet every now and then.

The ideal way would be to have one part of those file, containing the root and system accounts, on the
read-only root partition and appand the variable part via an include directive from a writeable filesystem.

Any ideas how to solve that ?

Any thoughts welcome !

Cheers, Stefan !

Sorry for wasting bandwidth !