Dual-faced OS (was Good point of Linux over Windows NT)

Jeff Gehlbach (jeffg@QuestTek.com)
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 17:21:37 -0600 (CST)

>occurred to me what a splendid thing it would be if someone developed an
>OS which had both a nice, user-friendly GUI, for the graphic designers
>and secretaries, and a good command-line interface, like a UN*X shell and
>commands, that's fully tweakable. Imagine--a real choice!

Have you driven a BeBox lately? (A bit hypocritical since I haven't
either...) Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that bash and
many of the GNU utils have been ported. And Be loves developers -- gives
them hardware price breaks even. On the other side, the graphical
capabilities are reportedly phenomenal.

Jeff Gehlbach, Systems Administrator, Quest Internet Technologies
http://www.QuestTek.com Voice: (205)767-0112 Fax: (205)764-8195
PGP key: finger or http://home.QuestTek.com/~jeffg/.keyplan