Re: Packaged Kernel

David Woodhouse (
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 18:32:11 +0000 (GMT)

On Thu, 23 Jan 1997 wrote:

> PS I still think that the way to go is to have some scripts to allow the
> upload of a .config file to a web server which will then send a .tgz file with
> complete compiled kernel and modules. I'll run it on my server if someone else
> writes it.

I've seen one of these. I can't find the URL for it now. It was just a CGI
script which made the kernel for you after giving you a form to configure
it. The compiled kernel was stored in a subdirectory on the FTP site which
was probably some hash function of the config options, so if someone else
later requested the same one, a recompile wasn't necessary.

Alternatively, a lot of people would be happy with a precompiled kernel
with a selection of modules to go with it. Of course, not everything can
be implemented as a module, but it'd do for a fair number of people in the
limited-bandwidth category, I should think.

P.S. I did search for the web site, honest, but...
> Excite Search found 1111785 document(s) about : CGI kernel compile.

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David Woodhouse, WWW:
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Cambridge, Tel: +44 (0) 976 658355
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England. PGP KEY: finger
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