Re: Good point of Linux over NT

Roger Espel Llima (
Wed, 22 Jan 1997 01:08:42 +0100 (MET)

> Linux SMP is quite nicely done for CPU intensive tasks. I/O intensive S MP
> is poor on the intel port (its quite passable on the sparc) We also have
> fully working async I/O. If you look at clone() and learn to use it right.
> Note that clone is so fast there isnt an overhead issue.

Hmm, clone() is the basis for kernel-threads, which can be used to
simulate async I/O (and sound like a more modern design), but does Linux
have a direct equivalent of SunOS/Solaris's aioread() and aiowrite() ?
That is, a way to queue a read() or a write() and have the call return

According to Sun's manpages these interfaces look like they're
Sun-specific, but some POSIX spec gets mentioned in the manpage for
aio_read (notice the underscore), which isn't "yet implemented on


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