Re: Arp Table and Routing

Morgan Sarges (
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 19:48:25 -0600 (CST)

On 18-Jan-97 Alan Cox blabbed on about :
->> Just a crazy idea..: You could write a document in Russian (or whatever
->> language it's easy for you to write in) and we could ask Linux International
->> or some Linux corporate sponsor to pay someone to translate it.
->Translation of technical documents is very specialist and very hard. However
->if someone wants to work with Alexey on such translations it would be great.
->Having said that I don't think there is anything wrong with Alexey's routing
->document anyway.

If I understand this correctly, you need to translate documents from
Russian to English?

Has anyone volunteered yet? If not, I have access to a translator.

Morgan Sarges Warbirds: Blip
E-Mail: Morgan Sarges <>
Date:20-Jan-97 / Time: 19:48:25

Basic is a high level languish.
APL is a high level anguish.
