Re: Swap Files

Ion Badulescu (
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 15:18:24 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Johan Myréen wrote:

> > Well wouldn't it make sense to have "swapoff -a" affect ALL swap areas?
> I don't think so. swapon -a means "swap on all swap areas mentioned in
> /etc/fstab", so swapoff -a should mean "stop swapping on the areas
> mentioned in /etc/fstab".

That was my first concern, too. However, umount -a already unmounts all
the filesystems listed in /etc/mtab (not fstab), so I don't see a problem
with swapoff -a doing something similar. Also, /proc/mounts exists,
although when it was first introduced there were similar discutions on
whether it duplicates /etc/mtab and takes care of a userspace problem or

> If you add swap areas manually, why can't you
> remove them manually? Why would you even *want* swapoff -a to remove a
> swap area swapon -a hasn't added?

Even if you don't want that, there are certain situations when knowing
which partitions/files are being used for swapping is really useful.


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