Re: modutils-970116

Dale R. Worley (
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 18:22:18 GMT

In article <> Kai Schulte <> writes:
There seem to be several weirdnesses about the modules at the moment.
I compiled without kernel daemon support and couldn't load a single
one because none of the symbols from kernel/ksyms.c got exported.
(Looks like EXPORT_SYMBOL() isn't getting defined as it should in
module.h, but I haven't really tracked it down). Does anybody have
a quick fix for this?

Check to make sure you are building the kernel with a genksyms that
understands EXPORT_SYMBOL? (Check the directory
include/linux/modules; if it contains lots of *.ver files, then that
isn't your problem.)


Dale R. Worley					Ariadne Internet Services
Voice: +1 617-899-7949   Fax: +1 617-899-7946	E-mail:
"Internet-based electronic commerce solutions to real business problems."