(resolved) Re: 2.1.21: unable to mount root fs

B. James Phillippe (bryan@Terran.ORG)
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 09:15:07 -0800 (PST)


I want to thank everyone who responded to this. My error was so
obvious (and stupid) that I never noticed myself. The really funny thing
here, is that I'm *sure* that I _copied_ my .config from 2.1.20 into
2.1.21. Either I am mistaken or one of the patches that I applied
modified it. Likely it was the former. I am truly sorry for not having
noticed this myself. Thanks to all, and warnings to anyone who might make
the same mistake.


# B. James Phillippe # Network/System Administrator #
# <bryan@terran.org> # http://w3.terran.org/~bryan  #
# Finger for PGP key # Enlightened since era 1.1.59 #