Re: Writing to CDR drive...

Alan Eugene Davis (
Sun, 19 Jan 97 09:19 GST

I posted a short while ago about problems I have had with XFree86 on
a Toshiba T1910CS. I apologize for my mail reader not being configured
correctly: I have recently been experimenting with a new one.

Another problem I am having is that in 640x480 mode, the only mode
available to me, almost every application opens up larger than the
display, and I have to scroll around just to get at various buttons,
etc. For example, xpaint, xfig, and so on... These are essentially
useless to me for this reason. This _IS_ a 640 x 480 server.. What
can I do to get it to fit applications into the area of the screen?
I have already tried changing the virtual desktop size, and it makes
no difference.

Alan Davis

 Alan Eugene Davis    Marianas High School      15o 8.8'N       GMT+10    AAA 196 Box 10,001        145o 42.5'E             
		      Saipan, MP  96950                        
                      Northern Mariana Islands       
"An inviscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
for one nonexistent."            ------ Lord Raleigh