Re: Jive -> Kernel (International Linux)

William Sowerbutts (
Sun, 19 Jan 1997 01:37:04 +0000

>This is easy:
>#define PREINTL(x,y) \
>#ifndef x##y\

inferno:~/temp$ cat posted.c
#define PREINTL(x,y) \
#ifndef x##y\
inferno:~/temp$ cc posted.c
posted.c:7: `#' operator should be followed by a macro argument name
posted.c:7: `#' operator should be followed by a macro argument name
posted.c:7: `#' operator should be followed by a macro argument name

>I'm not sure this would work, but it should if cpp is worth anything :).

hot damn, let's all chuck cpp away shall we? ;)
actually, i already tried coding this before you suggested it, and it
didn't work. i think cpp doesn't expand macros it's just expanded
containing "#"s. as they say, "close, but no cigar!".

>What was the whole PREINTL2 step for, anyways?

no idea. i didn't write it, cloister bell did. i just pointed out where it
fell over.

>> If we could get it to work with this primary-language and
>> fallback-language, we could maybe insert one or two extra layers in
>> between. So, for example, one could ask for kernel messages in German. If
>> there was no German message, in French. If there was no German and no
>> French, then the generic message.
>This is insanity. :)

bleglebleeeeeeugh. (Elbonian for "Yup").

William R Sowerbutts (BtG)
Coder / Guru / Nrrrd
main(){char*s=">#=0> ^#X@#@^7=";int c=0,m;for(;c<15;c++)for