Re: Jive -> Kernel (International Linux)

Nicolai P Guba (
18 Jan 1997 13:08:45 +0000

>>>>> "=M" == =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Johan Myr=E9en?= <ISO-8859-1> writes:

=M> However, if the kernel messages are to be offered in different languages,
=M> then (IMHO) the strings should be sustituted at compile time. These
=M> messages that are logged on the console or the system logs, and are
=M> typically seen only by the administrator.

Indeed, adding International Language support to the kernel (at compile-time)
could be a good idea.

There is GNU gettext, which "is designed so it minimizes the impact of
internationalization on program sources ..."

With what language should we start? Finnish?
