ld links static after upgrading libc

Alessandro Suardi (asuardi@uninetcom.it)
Mon, 13 Jan 1997 19:53:04 +0100

Chris Y. wrote:
> Hi,
> I seem to be having a problem that I can't explain. I am using Kernel
> 2.1.17 along with GCC V2.7.2.1, libc 5.4.17, binutils
> Now when I compile anything, libc is compiled in statically, and when I
> pass the switch -shared the binary seg faults.

Check symlinks. You should have:

/lib/libc.so.5 -> /lib/libc.so.5.4.17
/lib/libc.so -> /lib/libc.so.5
/usr/lib/libc.so.5 -> /lib/libc.so.5

I had same problem a while ago, guess either RH 3.0.3 had it wrong
with symlinks or libc-5.4.1x.bin.tar.gz misses the /usr/lib link...
or I simply blew something during upgrade :)


--alessandro <asuardi@uninetcom.it> <asuardi@it.oracle.com>

Linux kernel-2.1.20 libc-5.4.17 gcc- binutils-