to beep or not to beep...

Hirling Endre (
Thu, 9 Jan 1997 06:52:32 +0100 (MET)

I've run into the following not severe but annoying problem while using
Linux at night in a student hostel: I couldn't find a simple way to
disable all sounds(beeps) that sounds e.g. when I mistype a filename and
press tab to complete it.

I know that's bash's part not to beep on errors but I think that would be
useful to implement an ioctl (or something, I don't know the kernel's
internals) to allow a user program to control whether the programs can
beep or not. I've looked at the termcap file too, but all I've found was
the choice between visual or audible bell. I couldn't find out how to tell
the system that I don't want either.

If this problem is already solved, pls tell me where I can find that FM I
should have read.

Thanks in advance