Re: C coding metrics tools?

Chris Ricker (
Wed, 18 Dec 1996 10:50:00 -0500 (EST)

> From: "Marty Leisner" <>
> Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 13:00:37 PST
> Subject: C coding metrics tools?
> I recall somewhere in England someone ran the linux kernel through a
> tool to calculate ansi conformance (?)?
> (It was a commercial product).
> I searched the linux-kernel hypermail lists, but couldn't
> couldn't query so I got what I wanted.
> I didn't bookmark the location, does anyone have infomation on this?

Yeah, Derek Knowles at a company in Great Britain called Knowledge
Software runs the source through their C checker, OSPC, every now and
then. At the time he started doing this, I set up mirror of it over here
in the U.S. for him. See (or if you're in that part of the world)
for more details. I dunno that the log file will be terribly useful to
you, but that's where you'll find it. Enjoy!

I think the current one is for pre-2.0.4, but if you ask, I'm sure he'll
make you a newer one.


Chris Ricker                         

"All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed." -- Sean O'Casey