Re: linux support for mac fs??

Jean-Michel F Moreau (
Mon, 16 Dec 1996 13:21:43 -0800 (PST)

There is a program called xmac i know of that will let an xwindows user
connect to a mac over a net work... and use it... also i think apple has
something called mach10 for the same sorta purpose

On Sun, 15 Dec 1996, Larry Blumette wrote:

> Yes I have a Machintosh, please don't scream at me.
> I was just wondering if there was any support for the Machintosh file
> system in Linux. I've been a Linux user for about 2 years now and I wanted
> to give MK-Linux a try. However, the DR2 release is 77 megs and all I have
> access to on the internet are PC's at work and at school. Unfortunatly
> I haven't had much luck at getting the DOS file system working on a single
> Syquest for both PC and Mac. And as luck would have it my zip drive is a
> parallel port version so that's not going to get me anywhere on the Mac
> side.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanx in advance,
> Larry