v2.0 Make Config Help

Paul Boehm (pcboehm@csn.net)
Sun, 15 Dec 1996 13:42:35 -0700

I currently have a 1.2.13 linux kernel and Slackware 3.0 distribution.
I am trying to upgrade the kernel to take advantage of some ppp options.
The problem:

Every time I try and type make config in the v2.0 directory I get the
following message:

Makefile:21: unterminated call to function 'shell' missing ')'.

I have upgraded all of the libc, libg++, make075, lilo, binutils

If anyone can shed some light on this problem I would truly appreciate
the info.


"Hello, my name is Peter Grant, I manage Led Zepplin."
           "Hey man, I don't come to you with my problems."  --Bob Dylan