Re: WaveLan Driver for Linux..

Joel Philip Jaeggli (
Sat, 14 Dec 1996 02:03:36 -0800 (PST)

there's a new version of the wavelan card which is apperently different
than the 1.0 card which the module was written for The pc card module
seems to recognize the card ok but not the unit itself per see.


> Hello:
> This is a pure Linux related question..We recently purchased a
> wavelan card for use in a PC running Linux kernel 1.3.58..The driver
> reports incompatibility with the frequencies specified in the wavelan
> card!!
> Is it possible to get a newer version of the driver? Or could the
> problem be with the card..
> Will anybody be able to give me pointers or redirect me to a
> Linux-wireless related mailing list.
> Thanks and apologies to those who consider this question impertinent.
> --Anand.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Anand Balachandran email:
> Visiting Researcher URL:
> COMET Group, Home: (212) 749-1610
> Center for Telecomm. Research, Lab: (212) 854-5619/5599
> Columbia University, New York.
> NY 10027.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

Joel Jaeggli
Academic User Services
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Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right
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-- Charles Babbage