Re: GB vs. MB

Lauri Tischler (
Thu, 28 Nov 1996 15:16:36 GMT +2

Anno Domini 28 Nov 96 at 20:41, Adam Goryachev wrote:

> I sit here and see many people try to give this as an excuse for using 10^^9
> for 1Gb, but that is simply ludicrous when I can turn around and ask you to
> convert the following to Gb:
> 10485760
> 10240000
> etc....
> IMHO, I would much prefer 1kb to be 1024 bytes and 1Mb to be 1024kb.
This hole conversation reminds me of a former Secretary of Education
who made an idiot of himself by proposing that the value of _pi_
shall be 3, exactly...

We are talking about kilobytes and megabytes of computerstorage, not
kilos of tomatos or such..

1kbyte = 1024
1Mbyte = 1024 * 1024
1Gbyte = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
1Tbyte = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024

In measuring distance or weight or B.Gates's wealth we should decimal

Lauri Tischler, Network Admin          Tel: +358-9-47846331 
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