Re: GB vs. MB

Rob Hagopian (
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 21:13:17 -0500

> (Harald Koenig) writes:
>> I like the disk size message in sd.c but since 1MB == 1024*1024 ==
>> 2^20,
>It isn't as simple as that.
>1MB of RAM is, indeed, equal to 1024*1024 bytes.
>But 1.44MB floppy has 1.44*1000*1024 bytes.
>With hard disks, your mileage may vary.

I don't know of too many SCSI floppy drives though... :-)

I think that linux should report what's true, not what the marketers shove
down our throats. A megabyte is 2^20, it should be reported as such.
-Rob H.