Re: your mail
Neil Moore (
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 17:11:43 -0500
> > Todd T. Fries wrote:
> >
> > > Perhaps someone could browse to and see if their
> > > suggestion of going through Canada are valid?
> For people who don't know, he's referring to a scheme where someone in the
> U.S. would export cryptography software to someone in Canada, who would
> then turn around and re-export the software to the rest of the world.
> This won't work; a U.S. resident who exports crypto to Canada with the
> intention of having someone in Canada re-export the software WILL be
> prosecutable in the U.S. Big Brother is watching!
> For any cryptography to be integrated into the mainline Linux kernel, the
> cryptography will have to be implemented outside the U.S., and the kernel
> will have to be maintained from outsided the U.S. Unless the cryptography
> is usable only for authentication. Additionally, once crypto gets into the
> mainline kernel, the kernel will not be re-exportable from the U.S.
Somehow, I feel that it will be the programmers who lead the Revolution.
-Neil Moore
(finger amethyst@ for my geek code)