I think (Not sure, can't remember.. the system has been running
too long to recall) I had to compile the binaries statically.
- Jared
Neil Moore graced my mailbox with this long sought knowledge:
> >
> >
> > Hey,
> >
> > Sorry to ask this question again. It's been asked tons of times and I just
> > forgot the answer.
> > I need to allow 1024 file descriptors for my kernel per proccess.
> > How do I do it?
> > /usr/src/linux/include/linux/limits.h
> > do I need to make NR_OPEN 1024
> > and OPEN_MAX 1024?
> > or do i only need to change one of them?
> > How about in head.h desc_table[256] do i need to change that too?
> I think that, in order to change the number *per process* (as opposed
> to the number in total), you have to modify your libc (and, if you
> want this to be your default libc, this may involve recompuling
> everything).
> --
> -Neil Moore
> (finger amethyst@ for my geek code)