mcopy problems.

Vajra Yoo (
Mon, 25 Nov 1996 17:52:58 +1100 (EST)


I seem to be having problems trying to copy with mcopy or
listing dirs with mdir, Happens usually straight away that after i copy
from my linux box to a diskette (any) it crashes and halts the system ..
Here's a snipet of my syslog.. I get a interupt handler 'aieeee' and the
whole system crashes .. any idea's? -- It aint the disks that are bad ..
I'm running 2.1.3 with the ping patch .. on a p90 .. with pretty recent
binaries of binutils/fdutils and all the rest ..



Nov 25 17:26:31 virtual kernel: trying to lock fdc while usage count=0
Nov 25 17:26:31 virtual kernel: kmalloc called nonatomically from
interrupt 000$Nov 25 17:26:32 virtual kernel: floppy0: fractionary current
count b=0 s=0
Nov 25 17:26:32 virtual kernel: addr=0, length=0
Nov 25 17:26:32 virtual kernel: st=0 ast=0 mse=36 msi=20
Nov 25 17:26:32 virtual kernel: ssize=1 SIZECODE=2
Nov 25 17:26:32 virtual kernel: command=c5 SECTOR=1 HEAD=0, TRACK=0
Nov 25 17:26:32 virtual kernel: buffer drive=0
Nov 25 17:26:32 virtual kernel: buffer track=0
Nov 25 17:26:32 virtual kernel: buffer_min=0
Nov 25 17:26:32 virtual kernel: buffer_max=0
Nov 25 17:26:32 virtual kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector0

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