> Yes, I've used it for a week now and the behaviour is the same.
I have a 486SX/33 AMD for 3 years now its never rebooted like it should, not
even with 1.0.9, i never found one kernel which it rebooted properly, the
1.2.x series i patched every patch, and tryed most kernels, not one rebooted
properly, same symtom as Toni described.
I now have also a 486/100 AMD Toni, it reboots fine. But it would be nice to
find out why, the old 486SX/33 runs standalone now, so i cant reboot via
-- Regards Richard, 73. AX25 pa3gcu@pi8mid.#zld.nld.eu smtp pa3gcu@pi1goe.ampr.org inet pa3gcu%gwpe1cig@HZeeland.nl