RE: errors in applying patches

Al Longyear (
Mon, 30 Sep 1996 08:25:26 -0700

Do __EXACTLY__ the following:

1. cd /usr/src

2. gzip -dc /the/location/of/the/patch/file.gz | patch -p0

(Change the "/the/location/of/the/patch/file.gz" to be the file name where
you stored the patch-2.0.12.gz or similar file.) If you forget the '-p0'
parameter then the patch program will put new files in a very strange

This is covered in the README file in /usr/src/linux.

From: Paolo Supino[]
Sent: Friday, September 27, 1996 7:39 AM
To: linux kernel
Subject: errors in applying patches

Since version 2.0.11 I've been having problems applying patches to my
kernel tree. Every time I apply a ptach files from the source tree are
thrown out of the tree, Some times to /usr/src sometimes to "/". Does
this happen to others. Does it effect the source tree in any way that
will disable my ability to compile new versions of the kernel?