is there a way to build an a.out binary which has all the first 64k
unmapped and not only the first page (4k) ?
I need this to trap accesses to a NULL pointer with offsets up to 64k
and I can't build a ELF binary to test it... I tried using
cc -O -g -v -Wl,-Ttext,0xffe0 segv.c
with "ld version cygnus-2.5.3 (with BFD cygnus-2.5)" but every offset
except "-Ttext 0x1000" just killed the program at startup :-(
-- All SCSI disks will from now on ___ _____ be required to send an email notice 0--,| /OOOOOOO\ 24 hours prior to complete hardware failure! <_/ / /OOOOOOOOOOO\ \ \/OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\ \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO|// Harald Koenig, \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Inst.f.Theoret.Astrophysik // / \\ \ ^^^^^ ^^^^^