Adobe Acrobat

John Patrick Bedell (
Sat, 21 Sep 1996 23:08:14 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Everybody:
Let me apologize in advance for such an off topic posting.
I recently had occasion to talk with one of the Adobe developers
involved in creating the Linux Acrobat reader. He told me that one
important motivation for the creation of this application was the
requests that they received from Linux enthusiasts. He also told me that
an Acrobat creator could be whipped up relatively quickly, but was not
planned because the powers that be at Adobe did not believe that a market
existed for commercial Linux applications. He suggested that I write to
Sara(h?) Rosenbaum (, who's in charge of the Acrobat
product, to express my desire for an Acrobat creator and hopefully change
Adobe's corporate mind. I'm writing this email to make this suggestion to
everyone else who would like to see commercial applications for Linux.
I'm sure that I don't need to ask the readers of this note to make any
mail to Ms. Rosenbaum polite, factual, and to-the-point (but I'm asking
I'm very grateful to all of you who work so hard to bring
me the OS that I enjoy so much (and no less grateful to those who write
the documentation that makes it possible for me to use Linux)! Thanks!

J. Patrick Bedell