Re: unsolited mailings...

Dr Eberhard W Lisse (
Sat, 21 Sep 1996 10:09:06 +0100

At 4:27 20/9/96, David S. Miller wrote:
>I've had it.
>It has come to my attention that certain companies are using snapshots
>of the subscriptions to the linux lists at vger to blindly perform
>mass mail advertisements.
>Companies that I find are doing this will be black listed by me, this


thanks, can one not maybe write little script that you filter the unsolicitated
message through which then figures out the postmaster concerned and
writes them a message to seize and desist :-)-O


Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse   \         /              Swakopmund State Hospital
<el@lisse.NA>            *        |               Resident Medical Officer
Private Bag 5004          \      /      +264 64  461503 (pager) 461005 (home) 461004 (fax)
Swakopmund, Namibia        ;____/ Zone/Domain Contact for the NA-DOM
Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees, Namibian Internet Development Foundation,
an Association not for Gain. NAMIDEF is the Namibian Internet Service Provider.