Re: Processes hanging on 2.0.20; not just on Alphas anymore :(

Joey Hess (
Fri, 20 Sep 1996 10:40:24 -0400 (EDT)

> > ago that is stuck in the "R"unning state and simply will not die -- I've
> > done a kill -9 on it at least five times and yet it's still just sitting
> Odd. I posted about Apache 1.1.1 doing something similar last night. It
> went into state R, started chewing large % of CPU, and refused to die. I

I had this same problem with apache 1.1.1-2 (a slightly modified debian
version), and 2.0.20. I killed its parent process and kept sending it
kill signals, and after about 5 minutes it either listened to one of them,
or died on its own.

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$o=35;$_="$^I-*!=====_!/";s/~/!*/g;s~%~-/ / ~g;$_.='---      Joey Hess
';s/=/__/g;y|*!| \\|;for(split/-/){print' 'x$o--."$_\n"}# a M.C. Escher fan