Re: Perl make depend made faster (fwd)

Richard Guenther (!
Thu, 19 Sep 1996 08:43:14 -0400 (EDT)

I wish you guys with Microsoft Fail would take pity on us unix slobs
and hold it to 80 chars per line. :P

> I know it would be far fetched to say that you know me, but I have NOT
> installed perl and I don't expect to. Over anything I favor c-programs and
> I never make anything else myself (including scripts).
> I think Linus' version of the make depend was a LOT better than anything else

I think Linus' version is great, but it does not mean that C is the
fastest, easiest, and probably most bug free way to accomplish a

> and when you talk about non-compatible c-compilers, you may have forgotten
> that most people actually uses gcc on their Linux boxes (I'm sorry that I have

This is sort of moot: GCC, therefore, PERL.

> I will therefore claim that your statement about the advantages of perl wont
> hold water. I would go for more C-coded utilities instead of any kind of
> script, which anyway are quick-and-dirty and should only be used for such
> purposes, i.e. not serious programming (I'm not giving out flame bait

Don't limit yourself, amigo, Ms. C won't desert you for taking Ms. Perl
out for a cruise.
