Re: kernel: keyboard buffer overflow

ADAM Sulmicki (
Mon, 16 Sep 1996 22:43:05 -0400 (EDT)

->Uh - I don't have any precise info on this, but I do have the
->observation that using apmd (*d*) has always had this effect for me
->since 1.2.13 at least. Don't run it. It intercepts output from
->/dev/apm_bios that seems to be better left alone. I suspect that what
->is going on in my case is a syscall numbering incompatibility with
->various patches that is triggered off just here. See what happens if
->you don't run apmd. It won't affect the suspend/resume features.

Yup, getting rid of apmd helped. Thanks! the machine no longer
requires 2 unsuspends and the 2nd suspend is not fatal. Thought I
still form time to time get the
ax kernel: keyboard buffer overflow
but overall it works perfetctly.. if I could only get DGA to work.
