Re: some question about the patches

Rob McKee (
Sat, 7 Sep 1996 02:47:41 -0700

> cd /usr/src/linux
> chmod u+x scripts/patch-kernel
> scripts/patch-kernel . /path/to/patches/
Current kernel version is 2.0.4
Applying patch-2.0.5.gz...done.
Applying patch-2.0.6.gz...done.
Applying patch-2.0.7.gz...done.
Applying patch-2.0.8.gz...done.
Applying patch-2.0.9.gz...done.
Applying patch-2.0.10.gz...done.
> make menuconfig ; make clean && make dep && make modules && make
modules_install && make zlilo

[...] And go make a pot of tea while the compiler churns away and drink it,
or read your backlog of kernel list email or pet your cat. [...]

----- OR ------

# cd /home/ftp/pub/linux/kernel
# ncftp .
# chmod 700
# ln -s /usr/local/sbin/LkernelPatch
# echo '#!/bin/bash' >> /usr/local/sbin/makekernel
# echo 'cd /usr/src/linux; make menuconfig ; make clean && make dep && make
modules && make modules_install && make zlilo
' > /usr/local/sbin/makekernel
# chmod 700 /usr/local/sbin/makekernel
# crontab -e
# # add --> 08 5,17 * * * /usr/local/sbin/LkernelPatch &> /dev/null
<-- to the crontab
# #
# # LkernelPatch will check every morning and afternoon and if it finds a
new patch, it'll get the patch and install it for you.
# # LkernelPatch is configurable (It's a bash script)
# # in fact you probably want to change the patch file locations and maybe
the email address

========= THEN =========

# # when you read your email you'll see if you have gotten a new kernel
or not and then you can run:
# makekernel

and alway's have the latest source (I'm running kernel 2.0.0)! I have a
2.0.18 (current at this time) vmlinuz ready to for booting
and I'll boot to it when I think the kernel is stable enough (I'm running
2.0.18 on 2 other machines for testing)

> From: Squiz <>
> To: Stergiou Dimitris <>

> On Wed, 4 Sep 1996, Stergiou Dimitris wrote:
> > hi fellows linuxers,
> > i have the following question. lets say i download the kernel
> > 2.0.4 in its "full" source (talkin about 5.9 MB). lets say i install
> Then it would be a bit silly, since you can download the full source to
> 2.0.17....
> > kernel. now the question. if i decide to go to kernel 2.0.10 lets say
> > not downloading it completely but going through patches what is the
> > correct way to do it?
> You'd download all the patches between 2.0.5 to 2.0.10 and then something

> like this...
> cd /usr/src
> patch <patch-2.0.5
> patch <patch-2.0.6
> [..etc..]
> patch <patch-2.0.10
> cd linux
> make dep; make clean; make zlilo; make modules; make modules_install
> Squiz.