Floppy not working w/2.0

Neal Norwitz (neal@in7.com)
Mon, 2 Sep 1996 22:58:44 -0400 (EDT)


I've got a problem w/my floppy drive. It works fine on 1.2.13 with
the same floppies, but not on 2.0.10, 2.0.17 (and I think 2.0.13 also).
The symptoms has been the same on all of the 2.0 kernels.

The problem exists w/tar, dd, and mdir. They all return info like:
$ mdir
floppy0: long rw: 16 instead of 12
rs=5 s=1
rh=1 h=0
rt=0 t=0
spt=18 st=0 ss=1
Probable non-MSDOS disk
$ tar tvf /dev/fd0
floppy0: long rw: 16 instead of 12
rs=5 s=1
rh=1 h=0
rt=0 t=0
spt=18 st=0 ss=1
tar: Hmm, this doesn't look like a tar archive

I've seen the numbers change slightly (rw: 15 I think).
I haven't had any other problems with 2.0 kernels.

This is a 1.44MB floppy on a Micron Millenia Transport Laptop P133
Intel 430MX PCI chipset (PCI devices 0x1234, 0x1235).

Floppy support is not a module.

One other interesting thing to note. When the AC power is attached
the BogoMIPS are double than w/o AC (53.04 vs. 25.34). I assume
this is just because the HW is going into power saving mode, no problem.

Anybody got any ideas? I can try other kernels or provide more detail
on hardware or config if it will help.


Neal Norwitz                        Interact Corp.
neal@in7.com                        P.O. Box 7683
301 881 0343                        Arlington, Va. 22207