(fwd) Implement "suspend to disk" in kernel/loader?

Lutz Pressler (Lutz.Pressler@unix.ams.med.uni-goettingen.de)
Sun, 4 Aug 96 18:09 MESZ

Path: news.gwdg.de!avca.uni-geophys.gwdg.de!lpressl
From: lpressl@avca.uni-geophys.gwdg.de (Lutz Pressler)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.development.system,gwdg.linux
Subject: Implement "suspend to disk" in kernel/loader?
Date: 4 Aug 1996 16:04:35 GMT
Organization: GWDG, Goettingen
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <4u2hmj$3ql@gwdu19.gwdg.de>
Reply-To: Lutz Pressler <lpressl@Carl-F.Uni-Geophys.GWDG.DE>
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many modern notebooks have a BIOS which is capable to save the
(used) memory, processor registers etc. to hard disk (mostly to empty
space of a FAT partition). Unfortunately there are notebooks (even new
ones) which don't have this feature. That I own such a thing is the main
reason (despite that someone may not have a FAT partition, may have a
desktop system etc., ...) for asking why it shouldn't be possible
to realize this within the Linux kernel and loader (LILO).
I am not an expert on the Linux boot process, but shouldn't it be possible
to save (after disabling interrupts etc.) the used memory (in a first
attempt maybe even the whole memory) and other status information onto
disk (unused swap space, ...)? LILO would have to recognize such a
situation and continue from there.

Any comments?


Lutz Pre"sler               |    Institut f. Geophysik
Kreuzburger Str. 11         |    Herzberger Landstr. 180
D-37085 G"ottingen          |    D-37075 G"ottingen
Tel.: +49(551) 7700178      |    +49(551) 39-7456/-7464

Lutz Pre"sler      <URL:http://www.AMS.Med.Uni-Goettingen.DE/~lpressl1/>
Systemverwaltung -- Abt. Medizinische Statistik, Universit"at G"ottingen
Humboldtallee 32, D-37073 G"ottingen, Tel.: +49(0551) 39-9774 FAX: -4995
<Lutz.Pressler@AMS.Med.Uni-Goettingen.DE> [PGP-key:WWW&Keyserver] IRC:lp