miss-print in release.libc-5.3.9 (?)

mike (mharrison@exit1.i-55.com)
Fri, 2 Aug 1996 19:55:37 -0500


FROM release.libc-5.3.9

I have a couple of questions reguarding writing in the DISTRIBUTION FILES

It says you need to install the kernel source tree for the system dependent
header files. The header files are in lib-x.y.z and lib-x.y.z.bin.tar.gz.

1. should that have read libc-5.3.9.bin.tar.gz and not lib-5.3.9.bin.tar.gz

If it is correct then I'm searching for the Holy Grail *smile*

also says you can extract just the header files and not the binaries with

gzip -dc libc-5.3.9.bin.tar.gz | tar xvvf - usr/include

I have tried the above gzip ... and it yells :) there are no
/usr/include in the tar archive. (?) I've not read something or ... I
trust this should have worked.

2. It says that a seperate tar file for the header files may cause
unecessary confusion.

Are they saying that they both the source distribution and binary
distribution carry the source header files but that if you wanted to
you could just extract them first from either *THEN* install the
binaries or compile the source depending on the flavor of your choice
binary or source.

3. I am upgrading from 5.0.9 to 5.3.9 libc-5.2.18-5.3.9-diff.gz is
unessecary. (?)

4. whew...! Finally I understand "kernel source tree" but not as they
relate to system header files. It sounds like when I untar linux-2.0.0
and make config thats done for me. (?) In that case it shouldn't be
nessecary to extract them from the binary or source distribution. (?)

we newbies are long winded...:) My comp prof says sacrafice us to the
computer gods:) But were not worth very many points yet...:)

Any help or point in the right direction would be appreciated

Cheers and thanks