trying to upgrade

Matthew X Economou (
Wed, 31 Jul 1996 09:26:44 -0500

>>>>> "CS" == Charlene Stevens <> writes:

CS> If I try to connect to my httpd I get a TCP error everytime
CS> saying the server is either refusing connections or is
CS> down.

Sounds like you didn't read the Changes file all the way through. I
assume you're using NCSA HTTPd 1.5.1? If so, you need to upgrade to
version 1.5.2. From Documentation/Changes:

If you're trying to run NCSA httpd, you might have problems
with pre-spawning daemons. Upgrade to the latest release
(1.5.2), available from


Matthew Xenophon Economou - (Finger/WWW for PGP key.) - Rose-Hulman Inst.
Documentation Manager for the Department of Computer Science at Rose-Hulman
Internet: -
Proud Supporter of the Unabomber Write-In '96 Campaign