Re: kcore and memory questions

Systemkennung Linux (
Wed, 31 Jul 1996 01:56:03 +0200 (MET DST)


> > but iff there is room in the architecture to grow the user address space up
> > to 2^63 bytes (8 Exabytes), the physical address space up to 2^56 bytes (64
> > Petabytes). Numbers that are pretty insane huge ...
> Don't say that, those are famous last words (rember that a certain Gates
> is supposed to have said that 640k is enough for anyone ...).

No. Assuming the continuation of the current exponential growth of available
memory 64 bit address space should suffice almost 'till the day when most
of us have retired. No, I'm not 60 years old :-)

Unless someone invents another huge waste of address space, but mmap already
