1. There are web robots that go thru and parse every single word on your
home page. Alta-vista is an example. Just how hard would it be to scan the
page, and only grap mailto:foo@bar.com, or for that matter foo@bar.com.
then write it all to a log file. After that, it's simpley a matter of a
short perl script to send a ton of mail.. while you sleep.
2. Just how hard would it be to write a simple little c program, that grabs
all the domain names registered with the internic, then goes and fingers all
those domain names for possible e-mail address. Again, simple perl script,
and the e-mail goes flying.
3. The obvious filtering of newsgroups.
My point to all this is, there is almost no way of stoping the junk mail
from coming, so just ignore it. All the junk mails I have gotten, always
say something to the effect "you won't be contacted again unless you reply
to this e-mail". That being the case.. don't reply.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Jason Monroe -=- SysAdmin -=- AXI Internet
http://www.axi.net/jason jmonroe@axi.net
A.K.A "WonderBoy" IRC "DeadZone"