> Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 11:33:51 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Al Longyear" <longyear@sii.com>
> HOWEVER, I do recognize the code 4. In fact, it is so common of a
> question that it is specifically listed in the PPP-FAQ document.
> It is called RECEIVER OVERRUN.
> Ditch those !@#$% IDE drives or live with the occasional tossing of
> the UART data.
> If you have IDE drives, try looking at the man page for hdparm, and the
> -u option.
> - Ted
Don't use it if you've a buggy ide controler. The RZ1000 for example,
will currupt data with simaltanious activity on it, and the floppy drive.
That can only happen if the ide controler is interupted by the floppy
drive (the RZ1000 steals buffers from the floppy controler, which is ok
under dos).
-- PGP key pass phrase forgotten, \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence again :( | initiated. / This space is intentionally left | blank, apart from this text ;-) \____________________________________