I think he has a point.
On Mon, 1 Jul 1996, Michael O'Reilly wrote:
> No, the filters should just be added before the network interfaces are
> brought up. No packets will be forwarded until the ifconfig is done,
> so just make sure the filters are added first.
> Note that many people (i.e. me :) enable both forwarding and
> filtering, as I don't want to have to reboot the machine just to add a
> temporary filter.
> Michael.
> >>>>> ""Leonard" == "Leonard N Zubkoff" <lnz@dandelion.com> writes:
> > If IP Forwarding and IP Firewall are both included in a kernel,
> > shouldn't the default policy be to not forward anything until the
> > system startup scripts set the appropriate policies? Otherwise,
> > there's a window of time during boot when packets will be forwarded
> > but should not be. Worse still, if a crash causes a reboot that
> > doesn't get far enough to run the startup scripts, a machine might
> > be left with forwarding turned on indefinitely until someone notices
> > the problem.
> > Leonard