Re: Simple, effective boot graphic (fwd)

DUPRE Christophe (
Sun, 30 Jun 1996 23:58:27 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 30 Jun 1996, Mark Menard wrote:

> This is so stupid. If you want a neat graphic at boot up get a damned
> mac. If you want x for your login set it in inittab. If you boot a real
> OS a someone in this discussion pointed out you get messages. If
> something goes wrong you can trouble shoot it. Try that with a mac when
> it sh*ts the bed.
> One more thing that can wrong at bootup is one more thing Linux doesn't
> need. Think long and hard before you add stupid gizmos that add no "real"
> functionality.

Here are my little .2 (canadian) cents...
For my personnal use, and for servers, boot messages are great.
But I'd *REALLY* love to have the possibility to easily remove (or at
least lessen) the amount of messages at bootup. For example, we are a web
publishing company. Sometimes we have to show potential clients what we
can do, especially with CGI... So I've loaded some laptops with Linux, X,
netscape and NCSA httpd, with CGIs.... The problem is that it's salesmen
who use them, and they do not understand all those messages, and thus
can't really explain what they are to the clients who are used to
windows/mac, who wouldn't understand it anyway...
And it gives the impression Internet=UNIX=cryptic system=do we really
want it

What I did is manually strip most of the printk in the kernel source,
which was a very boring job. And I don't want to do it again.

The point is, why not make it a compile time option ? It's no kernel
bloat, because with it, there's less code in the kernel... :-)

Christophe Dupre Universite de Montreal
Internet: Qc, Canada
Montreal, Qc, Canada
"Nous ne sommes pas libres de ne pas etre libres, nous sommes obliges de
l'etre" - Fernando Savater

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