Re: [Take II] On SIGCHLD signal semantics

Marc Aurele La France (
Thu, 27 Jun 1996 14:43:31 -0600 (MDT)

On Thu, 27 Jun 1996, Tom Dyas wrote:

> > If POSIX_SIGCHLD is #define'd in kernel/exit.c, the kernel will produce
> > warnings when an application makes a wait* system call with a SIGCHLD signal
> > handler it inherited from its parent, or when a child process exits while its
> > parent process is still using an inherited SIGCHLD signal handler of SIG_IGN.
> > These warnings are only intended to highlight the problem, and do not, by
> > themselves, solve it. The warnings are:

> Why use compile-time macros? The SIGCHLD behavior should be run-time
> configurable using a sysctl for maximum flexibility. (If I want to
> switch behaviors, then I would have to recompile my kernel. But if I
> had a sysctl, I only have to change do a "echo 1 >
> /proc/sys/kernel/sigchld-behavior" or something similar.)

If you had been following this discussion, you would know that this is one
of the aspects of it that are under contention. I am using as a repository for changes that still need discussion.
The change I have uploaded is not yet finalized for inclusion into 2.1.


| Marc Aurele La France | work: 1-403-492-9310 |
| Computing and Network Services | fax: 1-403-492-1729 |
| 352 General Services Building | email: |
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