I do hope everbody knows using ping this way doesn't mean much unless
you send say 100 packets or more. Heck, having 1 packet dropped out of
a 5 packet test is 20%, but not an adequate statistic. Running a network
for a full day or longer of normal activity, and finding 20% loss would
be a cause for alarm.
I'm reminded of a Toronto Blue Jays rookie who stepped up to the
plate recently - the announcers mentioned his "Godly batting average"
of 1.000 (up to bat only once, and got a hit) :-) Meanwhile, their
best seasoned hitters score under 0.400
And another thing, a busy remote server can ignore a ping.
-- Andrew E. Mileski mailto:aem@ott.hookup.net My home page http://www.redhat.com/~aem/ Linux Plug-and-Play Project Leader. See URL http://www.redhat.com/pnp/Red Hat Software sponsors these pages - I have no other affilitation with Red Hat Software, and I have never used any of their products.