Re: real kernel bloat

Andrew E. Mileski (
Thu, 27 Jun 1996 16:03:31 -0400 (EDT)

> When ping says 20% packet dropout you should be firing the network manager
> or whoever refused to buy better links ;) 2.0 should be better than 1.2, but
> above about 10% the error correction scheme used by a TCP (ack frames)
> really breaks down badly.
> Alan

I do hope everbody knows using ping this way doesn't mean much unless
you send say 100 packets or more. Heck, having 1 packet dropped out of
a 5 packet test is 20%, but not an adequate statistic. Running a network
for a full day or longer of normal activity, and finding 20% loss would
be a cause for alarm.

I'm reminded of a Toronto Blue Jays rookie who stepped up to the
plate recently - the announcers mentioned his "Godly batting average"
of 1.000 (up to bat only once, and got a hit) :-) Meanwhile, their
best seasoned hitters score under 0.400

And another thing, a busy remote server can ignore a ping.

Andrew E. Mileski      My home page
Linux Plug-and-Play Project Leader. See URL

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